About RBS
Rainbow Bridge Studios is the dream-child of Arthur & Alana, the Cold-War healing, husband-and-wife team that brings a unique and joyous mix of magick, fun and spirituality to wherever they are in the world.
RBS was created as a spiritual endeavor; to build a platform for artists, dreamers, visionaries and healers who wish to place their talents in the service of loving and empowering humanity towards a Human-Friendly Future.
We represent a passionate vision of a world based on a relationship with the Invisible Nature of Reality, and we cultivate that relationship by offering means of exploring the imagination and other phenomena beyond what is considered “normal”, everyday perception.
Our intention is to facilitate the arrival of Rainbow Warriors and other Noble Spirits through inspirational, practical, artful and useful efforts.
We will be publishing books, producing binaural beat audio products, and other artistic media in order to generate outrageous profits, which will be channeled into creation of new opportunities in the field of empowering education for our younger generations to flourish.
We also intend to have a great deal of fun doing so, and we look forward to sharing the fruits of these efforts with you! In the great lore of the Irish, there is a tradition of finding gold at the end of the rainbow.
We are confident that you’ll find treasures much more valuable than gold here!
A hundred, thousand Welcomes to you!!!
We invite you to listen to our audio titles for sale and to watch our FREE MEDIA. We would love to hear back from you, so don't be a stranger!
Contact us at feedback@rainbowbridgestudios.com